Celebrity Impersonators, Lookalikes and Tribute Artists in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Event planners providing meet and greet Hollywood celebrity lookalikes for theme parties and trade shows.
Marilyn Monroe Look Alike Impersonaror (click the picture to watch her movie) |
818-953-4256 - Celebrity Impersonators Lookalikes Tribute Artists in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Event planners providing meet greet celebrity look-a-likes for theme parties.
Celebrity Look alikes and celebrity impersonators are increasing popular in today's world of celebrity obsession. Companies are using celebrity images to promote products and attract guests to parties and trade shows. Look alikes have been popular for many years and have been hired to meet and greet guests at the start of a party. They can also surprise guests by making an entrance, and in the case of celebrity impersonators sing a song or two. Impersonators are different than Look alikes. They may not look as much like the celebrity they are portraying, but they will speak, act and sing like them. They are great for mixing and mingling with the guests as they can interact as their celebrity they are portraying would. Many impersonators can also put on a live stage show. We can combine several impersonators to create a complete “Evening With The Stars” musical review. In this show all the impersonators will not only perform like the celebrity they are impersonating, but sing live. This show is great for an “old Style Vegas” theme party or casino night event. The show can be designed from one to several performers.
People are intrigued when they see a look alike and they stop and talk or ask to have a photograph taken with them. Look alikes are attention grabbing and something different, They are perfect for Christmas parties or Birthday surprises, any corporate event or trade show, All of our Look alikes are eye catching and will have you doing a double take.
When you hire a Look Allike or Impersonator from Dial M Productions you have secured the finest talent. Our performers have been pre-approved to be working up to our high quality of standards, professionalism, and time management. They will arrive for your event early, in proper wardrobe, perform for the specified amount of time, and create an atmosphere that will inspire the guests to socialize and have a great time. You can rest assured knowing that we carry liability insurance for all of our events.
818-953-4256 - Celebrity Impersonators Lookalikes Tribute Artists in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Event planners providing meet greet celebrity look-a-likes for theme parties.
"Mimi" (Drew Carey) |
AJ(Backstreet Boys) |
Backstreet Boys |
Bean |
Borat |
Notorious B.I.G. |
Puff Daddy |
Snoop Dog |
Spiderman |
Superman |
The Pepsi Girl |
Xena |
Zorro |
Abbott and Costello |
Abdul Paula |
Ackroyd Dan |
Adams Abigail |
Adams Bryan |
Adams Don |
Adams John |
Adams John Quincy |
Adams Sam |
Affleck Ben |
Aikman Troy |
Alda Allen |
Alexander Jason |
Alexandro Hector |
Ali Muhammad |
Allen Tim |
Allen Woody |
Alley Kirstie |
Anderson Gillian |
Anderson Pamela |
Anniston Jennifer |
Aristotle |
Armstrong Louis |
Arnez Desi |
Arnold Tom |
Austin Stone Cold Steve |
Bacall Lauren |
Bacon Kevin |
Baldwin Billy |
Baldwin Stephen |
Ball Lucille |
Banderos Antonio |
Banks Tyra |
Barbie |
Barkley Charles |
Barrymore Drew |
Bass Lance |
Bassinger Kim |
Batman |
Bean |
Beatty Warren |
Beckham David |
Beethoven |
Belushi John |
Benny Jack |
Bergen Candice |
Bergman Ingrid |
Bernstein Leonard |
Berry Hallie |
Blues Brothers |
Bogart Humphrey |
Bono Sonny |
Boop Betty |
Borland Al |
Bourque Ray |
Bowie David |
Brady Tom |
Brando Marlon |
Brenner David |
Broderick Mathew |
Bronson Charles |
Brooks Garth |
Brown James |
Bryant Kobi |
Bullock Sandra |
Bundy Peg |
Bunker Edith |
Burghoff Gary(Radar) |
Burns George |
Bush George |
Bush Jr. George |
Bush Jr. George W. |
Cage Nicholas |
Cagney James |
Calvin Cliff |
Captain Kirk |
Caray Harry |
Carey Drew |
Carlin George |
Carney Art |
Carpenter Karen |
Carrey Jim |
Carson Johnny |
Carter Jimmy |
Carter Nick |
Catwoman |
Cent 50 |
Cent 50 |
Chan Charlie |
Channing Carol |
Charles Ray |
Charlie Chaplin |
Chase Chevy |
Cheney Dick |
Cher |
Churchill Winston |
Clapton Eric |
Cliff Cheers |
Cline Patsy |
Clinton Bill and Hillary |
Clooney George |
Close Glen |
Cole Nat King |
Collins Joan |
Collins Phil |
Columbo Lt |
Columbus |
Connery Sean |
Conway Tim |
Coolidge Calvin |
Costner Kevin |
Cox Courtney |
Crawford Cindy |
Crawford Joan |
Croft Laura |
Crosby Bing |
Crowe Russell |
Cruise Tom |
Crystal Billy |
Cube Ice |
Curtis Jamie Lee |
Damon Matt |
Danes Claire |
Dangerfield Rodney |
Dansen Ted |
Darwin Charles |
Davis Betty |
Davis Jr. Sammy |
Dean James |
Deluise Dom |
DeNiro Robert |
Denver John |
Depp johnny |
Derek Bo |
Devito Danny |
Diamond Neil |
Diaz Cameron |
DiCaprio Leonardo |
Dice Clay Andrew |
Diesel Vin |
Dietrich Marlene |
Diller Phyllis |
Dion Celene |
Ditka Mike |
Dole Bob |
Dr Ruth |
Dr. Evil |
Dracula |
Drescher Fran |
Dreyfuss Richard |
Durante Jimmy |
Duvall Robert |
Dylan Bob |
Eastwood Clint |
Edison Thomas |
Edna Dame |
Edwards Anthony |
Einstein Albert |
Eisenhower Dwight |
Elliott Missy |
Elvira |
Estefan Gloria |
Evans Linda |
Falk Peter |
Farell Colin |
Farr Jamie(Klinger) |
Fatone Joey |
Favre Brett |
Female Impersonators |
Fields WC |
Fonda Henry |
Fonda Jane |
Fonda Peter |
Ford Gerald |
Ford Harrison |
Foreman George |
Fox Michael J |
Francis Connie |
Frankenstein |
Franklin Ben |
Freeman Morgan |
Gable Clark |
Gabor Zsa Zsa |
Garbo Greta |
Garland Judy |
Garth and Wayne |
Gates Bill |
Gellar Sara Michelle |
General MacArthur |
Gere Richard |
Gibson Mel |
Gilligans Island |
Gleason Jackie |
Goldberg Whoopie |
Gooding Jr. Cuba |
Goodman John |
Gorbachev |
Gordon Jeff |
Gore Al |
Gotti John |
Grant Hugh |
Green Tom |
Groucho |
Haggard Merle |
Hagman Larry |
Hair Bill |
Hammel Mark |
Hancock John |
Hanks Tom |
Hawn Goldie |
Hayworth Rita |
Hepburn Audrey |
Hepburn Kate |
Herman Pee Wee |
Hewitt Jenifer Love |
Hilton Paris |
Hitchcock |
Hoffman Dustin |
Hogan Hulk |
Hogan Paul |
Holden William |
Holly Buddy |
Hollyfield Evander |
Holmes Sherlock |
Honeymooners |
Hope Bob |
Housman John |
Houston Whitney |
Howard Ron |
Hussein Sadam |
Idol Billy |
Inspector Clouseau |
Jackson Allen |
Jackson Janet |
Jackson Michael |
Jagger Mick |
James Rick |
Jefferson Thomas |
Jennings Waylon |
Joel Billy |
John Elton |
Johnson Don |
Johnson Jimmy |
Jones Catherine Zita |
Jones James Earl |
Jones Tom |
Jones Tommy Lee |
Jordan Michael |
Judge Ito |
Kaelin Kato |
Karloff Boris |
Keaton Buster |
Kennedy Bobby Jr |
Kennedy Carolyn Besset |
Kennedy Jackie |
Kennedy Ted |
Kerry John |
Kidman Nicole |
King Larry |
Kissinger Henry |
Knight Gladys |
Koch Ed |
Koudrow Lisa |
Kramer |
Kwan Michelle |
Labelle Patti |
Lake Rikki |
Lang K D |
Lasorta Tommy |
Lauper Cyndi |
Laurel and Hardy |
Leach Robin |
Lemon Jack |
Lennon John |
Lennox Annie |
Leno Jay |
Letterman David |
Lewinsky Monica |
Lewis Jerry |
Liberace |
Lincoln Abe |
Lipton James |
Little Mermaid |
Little Richard |
Lohan Lindsay |
Lopez Jenifer |
Loren Sophia |
Lucci Susan |
Lucy |
Ludacris |
Luke Skywalker |
Ma$e |
Maclaine Shirley |
Madonna |
Mandella Nelson |
Manilow Barry |
Mansfield Jayne |
Mantle Mickey |
Martin Ricky |
Marx Groucho |
Marx Brothers |
Matthau Walter |
McArthur Douglas |
McCain John |
McCain John |
McCartney Paul |
McEntire Reba |
McGraw Tim |
McGwire Mark |
McGwire Mark |
Me Mini |
Me Minnie |
Merman Ethel |
Michael George |
Midler Bette |
Mills Donna |
Minelli Liza |
Miranda Carmen |
Monroe Marilyn |
Montana Joe |
Montilban Richardo |
Moore Demi |
Morissette Alanis |
Morrison Jim |
Mozart |
Murphy Eddie |
Murray Bill |
Namath Joe |
Napolean |
Nelson Ricky |
Nelson Willie |
Newman Paul |
Newton Wayne |
Nicholson Jack |
Nixon Richard |
Nolte Nick |
Norm Cheers |
Norman Greg |
Norris Chuck |
O Hara Scarlet |
Obama Barack |
Obama Barack |
O'Donnell Rosie |
Onasis Jackie |
O'Neil Shaquile |
Orbison Roy |
Osbourne Ozzy |
Pacino Al |
Page Betty |
Palin Sarah |
Parcells Bill |
Parker Sara Jessica |
Parton Dolly |
Pattoon General |
Pavarotti |
Peron Evita |
Perot Ross |
Perry Luke |
Pesci Joe |
Pfeifer Michelle |
Philbin Regis |
Piazza Mike |
Pitt Brad |
Pope The |
Powers Austin |
Presley Elvis |
Presley Lisa Marie |
Prince |
Prince Charles |
PrinceJR. Freddie |
Queen Elizabeth |
Reagan Nancy |
Reagan Ronald |
Redford Robert |
Reeves Keanu |
Reynolds Burt |
Richardson Kevin |
Richie Lionel |
Rivers Joan |
Roberts Julia |
Robinson Smokey |
Rock Kid |
Rodman Dennis |
Rogers Ginger |
Rogers Kenny |
Roosevelt Teddy |
Roseanne |
Ross Betsy |
Ross Diana |
Rourke Mickey |
Ruth Babe |
Ryan Meg |
Ryder Wynonna |
Sandler Adam |
Sarducci Father Guido |
Savage Randy |
Savalas Telly |
Sawyer Diane |
Schwartzkopf Gen |
Schwarzennegger A |
Schwarzkopf |
Schwimmer David |
Seinfeld Jerry |
Seinfeld cast |
Selleck Tom |
Shakespeare |
Shields Brooke |
Silverstone Alecia |
Simmons Richard |
Simpson Ashley |
Simpson Jessica |
Sinatra Frank |
Sirling Rod |
Skelton Red |
Slater Christian |
Smith Anna Nicole |
Smith Will |
Snipes Wesley |
Sommers Suzuanne |
Sparrow Jack |
Spears Brittany |
Springer Jerry |
Springsteen Bruce |
Stalin Joseph |
Stallone Sly |
Star Trek Generations |
Stern Howard |
Stewart James |
Stewart Martha |
Stewart Rod |
Stone Sharon |
Streep Meryl |
Streisand Barbra |
Sullivan Ed |
Summer Donna |
Taylor Elizabeth |
Thatcher Margaret |
The Godfather |
Thurman Uma |
Timberlake Justin |
Tomlin Lily |
Town Crier |
Tracey Spencer |
Travolta John |
Truman Harry |
Trump Donald |
Trump Ivana |
Tucker Tanya |
Turner Ted |
Turner Tina |
Twain Mark |
Twain Shania |
Tyler Steven |
Tyson Mike |
Usher |
VanDamme Jean-Claude |
Vandros Luther |
Vaughn Mo |
Ventura Jessie |
Walters Barbra |
Warhol Andy |
Warwick Dionne |
Washington George |
Wayne John |
Weakest Link |
Welch Raquel |
Wells Orson |
Wendt George |
West Mae |
White Vanna |
Wilder Gene |
William Prince |
Williams Bernie |
Williams Bernie |
Williams Hank and Jr |
Williams Robin |
Williams Vanessa |
Willis Bruce |
Willson Jackie |
Winfrey Oprah |
Winkler Henry |
Winslet Kate |
Wolfman |
Wonder Stevie |
Wonka Willie |
Wood Natalie |
Woods James |
Woods Tiger |
Woodward Joanne |
Woody Cheers |
X-Files |
Yeltsin Boris |
Zellweger Renee |
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